I do not know if the movie is popular or if it has come out already in cinemas but yeah, I bought MOTHERHOOD coz of Uma Thurman on the title sucking on a pacifier, looking every bit motherly – tired, haggard, scruffy.
And after watching said movie, I am not sure if I liked it because I could relate to Eliza or if I hated it because I was looking at a sad reality.
Eliza is a mother of 2 kids. A school-age girl and a toddler boy. Ahem, ahem. She was once a writer in her past life by which I mean during her singlehood. Ahem, ahem. She wrote books and was published. She was a fiction writer. Flash forward to motherhood, she now only writes in pockets of time that she can steal and of course, what could she write about – electronically, hence we will call it “blog”, Motherhood. Ahhhh. Ahem, ahem. Her blogsite was called “The Bjorn Identity”.
Sunshine, on the other hand, is a mother of 2 kids – one school-age girl and one toddler boy. She once wrote and got published. She wrote press releases, short stories, heck, she even wrote poems coz they were supposedly songs but she just didn’t know how to go about putting melody onto them –arranging, probably, was how they called it. All during singlehood. Flash forward to motherhood, she can only blog. At least now, she progressed into a blogsite called “UrOnlySunshine Speaks About…” (http://sunshinegregorio.blogspot.com/) and has not gotten herself stuck with microblogging aka tweeting. (But check www.twitter.com/uronlysunshine, too.)
Overall, I kinda picked up that no matter how much mommies sometimes think of giving up (and they seriously do), they also seriously can’t. One small whimper from any of the kids is enough to make the earth stand still because she knows her child needs her.
Like they said in the movie,
we have to accept our limitations – like time and energy. But hello, try telling that to a mother who needs a few more minutes of shut-eye but really, really has to get up for the sandwiches that get stuffed into the lunchbox.
It’s never easy being mom. Those mommies who make it look easy are just pretending. I’m hella sure they break down and get crazy every other day, too, like every other real-life mothers.
April 1, 2010 Maundy Thursday
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