For a couple of days now, I have been feeling really down. I was mad at a lot of people, myself included. Hatred was all I thought of. I was so angry.
I cannot include all of the details but to make the long story short, there was a very high-tech exchange of words between my mother and myself.
I understand why she said those things because my words for her beloved son were not even subtle. But since Tuesday, I was full of hurt and anger. Until last night.
I very seldom pray and when I did last night, I was shocked, surprised and amazed. I consider myself an unfaithful servant of God because sometimes I pray, sometimes I don't but last night He still heard me. He listened to me because He knew I was earnest. How I knew He heard? I have several mantras that I use when I am bothered since I read about yoga all the time. But last night, He gave me the mantra. Unbelievable. He got me singing, albeit quietly, in the middle of the night! Promise! I cannot stress more on how I am a non-practicing Catholic and all that. But yes, last night, my faith was renewed! I was praying so hard for Him to touch my heart because it was full of hatred and I could already feel it physically. I kept saying, please Lord, please, please, please. I begged for Him to touch my heart to manage my anger. And then I really, really felt the weight off my chest. I swear! And He gave me the lines – mountains bow down and the seas will roar at the sound of Your name. That’s the song Shout To The Lord! I knew then that nothing is greater than my God. He can take care of anything and everything. That's why I cast all of my cares upon Him. I asked Him to take care of my problem with my mother, my brother and my house hunting. And now, I will just watch as He does all the awesome wonders. Really, Lord, there is none like You!
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