I had been doing yoga since 2001. Although not consistently as sometimes I get bored and wall climb, bike, play tennis and swim instead. But no matter, I always go back to yoga. And today, I did my first Shirshasana.
My friend, Chris, gave me my first yoga video back in 2001. I was not big on dieting and hard core exercising so I appreciated yoga. I loved that I could wear anything for yoga. I loved that I did not have to wear shoes. I also love my purple yoga mat which is now as old as my yoga practice. I love yoga primarily because it helps me with my scoliosis. It can really, really alleviate the pain.
When I got shot in December 2002, I stopped practicing yoga. And then in 2003, Plantation Bay (my employer then) incorporated yoga in the resort activities. I met Dada Dinakar and he helped me get back in the groove. Plantation Bay was the fabulous venue for yoga. Very nature-ly.
When I changed careers, I stopped again. And resumed only on my 2nd trimester. Yes, I got pregnant. But I did Pregnancy Yoga. I got the yoga DVD off eBay. I was very pleased. I think it helped me vaginally deliver my 1st baby at 8.6 lbs. I also moved on to after-birth yoga. Yoga seriously helped me lose the baby weight.
And now, after 2 kids, I am still doing my yoga. I have since incorporated it with stability ball exercises and treadmill because those are the only equipment within my reach.
I have tried several asanas already – easy and difficult ones. I have also been doing shoulder stands for a while now. But whenever I get to talk to Chris, he would ask me if I could do the head stand already. I kept saying I probably cannot, since I have a weak back due to scoliosis. Because I seriously did not think I could. This morning, he again asked me if I could do the head stand already, I again said I couldn’t but I went ahead and tried.
And here I am in the beginner’s shirshasana! Yey! I did not think I could but I tried and I did it! I am so happy! It was not very easy and I am feeling some strains in my neck but with practice, I know I could do better and I could really perfect this inversion. It has a lot of benefits and I kinda felt a little calm and light-headed after.
I will definitely do this again.
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