September 8, 2010
Since I almost always run out of things to blog about, I will start getting my inspiration from the Cosmo magazines I have been buying since college freshman year.
Cosmo topic 1: Do you like your body – flaws and all?
First and foremost, I have scoliosis. Let's say, my body is a little 'bad to the bone.'
S0 if it’s a question of like, I don’t. But I have accepted it. I don’t think I look utterly gruesome but I don’t feel like a million bucks either.
Flabby limbs. My primary concern. Ever since I can remember, I’ve already had FAT arms and legs. Blame my genes?
I have better upper abs though. Even after having two children, I don’t have too much shake. My lower abs, however, is another story. All those I don’t have for the upper abs, I have in my lower abs, child-wise – loose skin, paunch and stretch marks!
I know I can’t use the kids as an excuse because hot mommas flirt on TV everyday – Heidi Klum is the uber momma for me. That’s why I do my best to sweat 5x a week!
How I used to hate exercising! But I learned to love it and even got addicted to it a year before I got pregnant. When I relocated, no more available resources (read: gym equipment) for me, so I started slacking off. I was just doing yoga whenever I feel like.
Nowadays, I have gotten into a certain rhythm and I do an hour of yoga mixed with stability ball exercises, Arabic belly dancing, jumping rope, weight training and two sets of 100 sit-ups (to the tune of World Cup 2010’s Waka-Waka, English and Cuban version).
I have to push myself to work hard on my work-out because I do not eat vegetables. Suffice it to say, I cannot be a healthy eater either.
Like I always say, it’s really difficult to drag yourself up and onto the mat or lift the dumb bells. But, the feeling afterward is soooo delicious that it makes all the grunts and groans worthwhile.
So do I like my body? Nope, but I’ve learned to love it because it’s the only one I got.
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