Tuesday, July 14, 2009


In a traditional, old-fashioned city like Bacolod, everybody knows about everybody. The six-degrees? Almost non-existent.

John went to school with Mark, Mark and Victoria grew up in the same village, Victoria is Emma’s cousin. You see where I’m getting?

I have friends who have been with the same people since high school. Since high school! How weird is that? Okay, so I’m not all for romance and stuff, but since high school and still not hitched? Talk about a really loooong, and I bet, tiring, engagement.

If a ten-year relationship is not enough for you to get to know each other, don’t you think you might have probably learned that you’re not for each other? The longest relationship I’ve been in was about 4 years and it did not even take long for him to become parasitic. I’ve since chalked that off as ridiculous mistake of my youth. I was in college.

I believe that couples who stay together for that many years are either holding on because they are afraid to let go or holding on because they’re too tired to start over. It’s like finding a job. If you’re already okay in your current occupation and there seem to be no problem, why would you want to find another job and start over? The resumes you have to write, classifieds you have to scan, interviews you have to go through, etc. etc. It’s just like a relationship. If you’re already satisfied with what you have and everything seems to function, why would you want to go through the chase again? Sifting through jerks to find ‘the one’ is not exactly pleasant. Faking it is almost, always not worth it.

But staying in a relationship that has gotten routine-like, I feel, is also unpleasant. Necrophiliac even. Again, faking it is not worth all the effort. I’d rather read a magazine and learn something than wait for the mosquitoes to lay their eggs in the stagnant relationship.

If you’re not gonna get married after being together for 10 years, you are gonna have to decide. If you still think there’s love between you, live together! That’s enough challenge to make things exciting for you. But if you’re already living together and in a relationship and have been doing the same thing day-in-day-out, stop torturing yourself! Skip out before it’s too late. Horace says it’s later than you think. And if you’re genuinely happy, congratulations and best wishes.

May 4, 2009

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