Tuesday, April 20, 2010


My Nyxy has regular swimming lessons at the pool of Pagcor Hotel. Initially, she was very impressive, showing off her fearlessness of jumping in the adult pool without floaters and dog paddling her way to the pool walls. Until Freestlye came along. She suddenly had all the reasons to come out of the pool. She was cold, hungry, nauseated, tired, want to throw up – everything! I had to go and pep-talk her everyday into going back to the pool. I was assistant coach to coach Brody! Now, she can do her freestyle – without breathing. At least she’s improving. Her arms are weak, though. She slaps the water with her hand on the way down and stops kicking when she needs to raise her arm. Coordination. She lacks it – at the moment. Like I said, Assistant Coach Mom.

I just got back from the pool and I was Nurse Mom this time. When I got to the pool area, she was stepping out of the kiddie pool bawling. Apparently, a broken floor tile sliced her toe. A bleeder. And of course, Nyx entertained us all (everyone in the poolside) with her dramatic prowess. Crying while screaming “ouchy” and holding her hurt foot up, hopping to the lounger where we were at. Since there was no available band-aid, I had to walk back to my office to get my mini first aid kit. When I got back, she immediately put on her ‘pain face’ which I’m guessing went away for awhile when I left the pool. I managed to sneak in some Neosporin onto the wound, ignoring her “Ouchy!!” and sealed it with a boo-boo. Crisis averted by Nurse Mom. Thanks, Nurse Mom!

Assistant Coach Mom then entered to coax Nyx back to the water after suffering from an injury at the kiddie pool. Assistant Coach Mom is better than Nurse Mom because it was not that hard to get her back in the water.

As soon as she gets back in the water, this little boy, RJ, who has since annoyed Nyx from the start of the lessons, started playing with Nyx again. Nyx was telling him to stop but he wouldn’t and his yaya was busy taking pictures of her ward. I was stopping Bitch Mom from calling her attention yet again and giving her a piece of mind. I left the pool even before Monster Mom starts on RJ.

April 19, 2010

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