Tuesday, June 07, 2011


June 5, 2011

As I am doing this, my eyes are trying so hard to stay open, I am having coffee and the time says 6:41 AM.

I am up because Nyx will be starting school tomorrow and anal as I am, I've had her rehearsing since Monday. Meaning, I woke her up at around 5:30ish and had her shower in less than 10 minutes. In fairness to my 5-year-old, she's mature beyond her years and I am so thankful she does not give me too much BS.

We have not tried it with breakfast though but TV says it's okay to feed them cereals or oatmeal or eggs for breakfast. So cereals or oatmeal or eggs it is.

I am jittery because tomorrow Nyx's class start at 7:30am but it's still orientation time tomorrow and the time is not yet definite. Effin' school won't post the exact schedule until today -- the day before the said event. Is this a preview of things to come for their school? I so hope to God it ain't. If it will indeed start at 7:30, I would not have a choice but to bring Draco with us at maybe around 6:45am because I do not know how long it will take to go to their school. And I am super sure he would still be sleeping soundly like he was at around 10:30AM yesterday morning.

I have always dreaded school for my children. I have almost gotten over it but then we had to up and transfer here in Cebu. New school + jeepney rides + Draco starting school + no definite sked yet + no list of classroom requirements = Mommy dead, heart attack.

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