Friday, December 18, 2009


The Tiger Woods issue is something I am utterly familiar with.

Men and infidelity. Sometimes, I sadly think that they are inseparable.

Why do most men get married and then look for other women to sleep with? Why don’t they just marry the woman they want to sleep with? Because wifey was once that. The woman they wanted to sleep with over and over again. But then marriage and responsibility kicks in, the other carefree woman is the more fun now. While wifey slaves away whether at home or at work, she is finding it hard to squeeze in ‘me’ time. So it’s all the kids and the hubby. But lo and behold hubby. He, too, is busy looking for someone else who has all the ‘me’ time in the world to look pretty so he can f*ck her brains out.

Take Tiger Woods for instance. One of the best if not the best athlete in the world. Has everything – multi-billion dollar income, fabulous career, slew of endorsements, hot model wife, beautiful kids, nice house, housekeepers! Now, what the hell is wrong with his noggin’? And the women he slept with, so not par (no pun intended). What is it with infidelity and men?

Is that really the case now or am I just disillusioned? I’ve always rather play than be the plaything. I always, always knew I was not the marrying type but I thought things could change. I thought this time he’d be different. Oh well. I have a lifetime to see.

December 9, 2009

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