Thursday, March 05, 2015

Cooking Mama Me

05 March 2015

Finally. I have gotten to this blog again. I've redesigned it, added a newer selfie and have now resolved to write again.

Last December 23, 2014, our yaya (stay-in-babysitter) of two years upped and left us without a proper goodbye. I will be posting about her soon. But since she left I have been mommying for my family a little bit more.

I have been cooking a whole lot more, too. Not just fry. Really cook. Real food.

My alarm sounds off at 5AM and this is how my day looks:
* wake up schoolkids (N & D) * get them to shower & dress for school * cook rice  * cook N & D's baon for school * prepare their breakfast * pack their snacks & lunch * send them off to school * cook lunch for my husband and dinner for everyone * get ready for work * 8-hour shift * wash dishes & prepare the children's stuff for the next day * watch tv and sleep for a few * repeat

My husband and I would just take turns watching the baby since we still have a 2-year-old. He gets no rest, too.

Nope, I'm not complaining. I am happy taking care of them. I am tired all the time but I'm happily tired.

I have a new yaya now. She has been with us for about two weeks already. Some load off my back but I still do the cooking because she cannot cook.

So now I'd like to share my recipes to busy working moms like me. Easy recipes I got off the net. Most of which I have tweaked because some of the ingredients are not in my shelves. Oh boy, if my old friends could see our kitchen now! My shelves have so many spices that I actually use! My fridge has vegetables and not just the frozen ones! Real veggies. Leaves! (Back when I was single, all my fridge had were just unhealthy, liquid stuff -- beer, vodka, soda and no water!)

I have compiled the ones that I have tried in an old Starbucks planner and labeled it "Cooking Mama" off that game that my daughter adores.

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